Share: When Iowa law officials reported that Mollie Tibbets body was recovered and the suspect in custody was an illegal immigrant from Mexico, all I could think of was how President Trump would use this to his advantage. Follow:
Voting should be (and can be) thrilling
Share: 750,000 people flooded the streets for the Women’s March in January 2017; however local elections struggle to obtain the same political interest. Participation impact in local elections can be just as large, if not more significant than participation in a protest. Now it’s time to put all that into action into voting for the candidate that represents whatever ideology you believe in as the November 6 General Election races forward. Follow:
Do we really need pageants anymore?
Share: On Monday May 21, a new Miss USA was crowned: Sarah Rose Summers. It’s easy to see why she won; she’s a country girl who grew up in Nebraska, earned two degrees from Texas Christian University in strategic communication and child development, and is certified to be a child life specialist. She’s the exact kind of person that pageants look for. But this poses the question, should pageants still exist in 2018? My answer is, well, kind of. Follow:
Blame it on the Ambien: Our problems are bigger than Roseanne
Share: Beloved and acclaimed media company, Disney, has had its share of racially and ethnically problematic portrayals. Perhaps the most distinct manifestation can be seen in the 1941 film Dumbo. Jim Crow and his group of friends are black crows who don tattered clothing and speak with a long, southern drawl. To match the look, they are depicted as lazy, poor and uneducated, exhibiting stereotypical traits that have long plagued African Americans. Even through the doe-eyed animation, the racial stereotyping and its call to minstrelsy …
Lebron cements himself amongst the greats
Share: Whether you like him or not, Lebron James is going to the NBA Finals for the eighth consecutive year. Only three other players in history have gone more times in a row than James, which is absolutely absurd. Follow:
Editorial: PCC needs better services, not corporations
Share: Though Pasadena City College (PCC) is an institution that likes to think of itself as a campus that seeks to meet the needs of its students, it continues to fall short of that premise by bringing unneeded corporations such as Starbucks and Follett to campus rather than working to improve upon certain student services. Follow:
Trump says jump, Rosenstein asks how high
Share: What the hell is going on at the White House this time? Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General of the United States Department of Justice has yet again made it into the public’s eye for carrying out another one of Trump’s absurd demands. Follow:
The birds, and the bees, and the stds
Share: Well, I am not buying it. I have reviewed my finances, weighed the options, and I am certain I cannot make the purchase. On May 7, 2018, the Los Angeles Times published a story titled, STDs in L.A. County are skyrocketing. Officials think racism and stigma may be to blame, and in the piece, Soumya Karlamangla expresses a great deal of concern for a serious issue afflicting an alarmingly high number of marginalized and underrepresented citizens. However, in the process of this noble pursuit, …
‘This is America’: A revolutionary depiction of America
Share: Childish Gambino’s recent music video to his new single “This is America” has been shaking up social media platforms with its disturbing but real depictions of America. With an estimate of 68 million views within the first few days of the video airing, the perspective of the meaning behind the video can be debatable. However, whether it is coincidental or not, Gambino is a black man in America and is telling it from his perspective. It is a brilliant way to showcase the intensity …
Editorial: PCC protects predators and endangers students
Share: Pasadena City College (PCC) is not perfect. Yet, rather than acknowledging the flaws within its system and community, PCC glamorizes itself by impressing the public with its diverse student body and faculty and news of being one of Aspen’s Top 10 college winners. In contrast to the impeccable image PCC intends to portray, this academic year alone, there has been a failed presidential search, outrage among minority groups on campus, and recent investigative reporting by the Courier uncovering Tychicus Yu, vice president and corporate chef …