Share: Marking his first political speaking engagement since the end of his term, former President Barack Obama urged students at the University of Illinois to fight against President Donald Trump and his regime. The significance of the midterm election has been downplayed in years past and, in our current political climate, this coming November is shaping up to be one of the most important midterms to date. Follow:
Serena Williams, it’s more than a game
Share: Winning her first career major against idol, Serena Williams, was supposed to be a fairy-tale moment for Naomi Osaka. Instead, it turned into a massive debacle that lit up the sports world like wildfire with drama surrounding Williams and umpire Carlos Ramos. It is understandable that in the heat of the moment, especially in a championship game, emotions can get the best of anyone. But what Williams showcased on the tennis court made her look like a baby throwing a temper tantrum. She unintentionally …
‘You did this to him’: It is not Ariana Grande’s fault
Share: No woman nor man that is in a toxic relationship should be forced to stay with their significant other because they feel guilty if something were to happen to them. Follow:
Apple’s new iPhones: Not worth it
Share: We saw the launch of 3 new iPhones on September 12 at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino: the iPhone XS, the iPhone XS Max and the iPhone XR. Most people weren’t really surprised with the launch of these phones seeing as they have been leaked for weeks, but for most people it was still exciting. Seeing new tech from Apple is often quite the event for fans. Apple’s keynote had over half a million views on YouTube as of Wednesday night. So the question on …
Editorial: We are not ‘poor journalism students’
Share: Currently at Pasadena City College (PCC), there are multiple grants given to projects such as Zero-Textbook Cost and the Pathways program to tackle different barriers students often deal with in academics. While it is necessary to fund for these projects as it aids students in achieving higher education, the failure to fund the Journalism department, a rather small but very important department on campus, counteracts the idea of providing resources. In fact, it proves that there are areas on campus that aren’t being prioritized …
Democratic theatrics won’t stop Kavanaugh confirmation
Share: The death of Justice Antonin Scalia, the refusal of Republicans to give Judge Merrick Garland a hearing prior to the 2016 Presidential Election, and the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy has given the President Donald Trump an opportunity to tip the ideological balance of the Supreme Court for generations to come. The consequences of this decision are nothing short of monumental, and makes the short-sighted decisions made in favor of political expediency all the more glaring in hindsight. Follow:
Can Jon Kyl continue McCain’s senatorial success?
Share: Following John McCain’s passing, there continues to remain an empty seat in the Senate. The question now is who is next in line to succeed as the Arizona senator? Is it a young chap leading a political movement or just another dull prospector? After retiring in 2013, Republican Jon Kyl, a former Arizona senator, never expected he would be called upon his state Governor to serve his country’s political body again. However, the death of the esteemed John McCain has nonetheless resulted in the …
McCain: Military man, merciless maverick
Share: As a combat veteran and fellow purple heart recipient it was quite difficult to not root for the late Senator John Sidney McCain III. McCain had a military record to be admired and served in public office for nearly four decades. He was an independent man, a maverick, and did what he felt was right and just. He selflessly served this country and its citizens up until his last days. Follow:
Nike doesn’t care about your opinion
Share: When Nike decided to use Colin Kaepernick as the face of their 30th “Just Do It” campaign, I was shocked, yet enthralled by their controversial decision. Kaepernick embodies the rights we all have as American citizens. To stand up for our beliefs and our rights to freedom of speech. Follow:
First come, first served: Transfer student struggles
Share: Transfer students struggle with difficulties achieving higher education, whether it be due to socioeconomic status, learning disabilities or other factors, in addition to being overlooked by four-year universities who regularly prioritize first-year students. However, recently these four-year universities have changed their misguided priorities by beginning to give equal opportunity to transfer students. Follow: