Share: In a quest to shed light on a marginalized group at PCC, the Queer and Undocumented Empowerment Support to Thrive (QUEST) center dedicated a week of action to undocumented members of the community. Follow:
Courier Chat: Talking about Spotlight Magazine
Share: On this podcast, Sam and Alyssa talk to Reina Esparza and James Membreno about their upcoming edition of Spotlight Magazine. Have something you want us to talk about on the podcast? Want to appear as a guest or have your story told? Email us! Follow:
President Trump versus the 14th amendment
Share: My dad is first generation American and second generation Guatemalan. Back in the 1970’s, my grandma – who was pregnant at the time – came here to the United States. As a single mom, she wanted to raise her son in a place that will allow him opportunities she knew he could not receive back in her home country. My grandma came here to achieve the “American Dream” for my father, to give him a better life. Follow:
FreeDoomed: Caravan destined for disappointment
Share: A continuously growing group of thousands of Honduran migrants, dubbed the “Caravan”, is making its way towards the United States’ southern border in what one can assume is a search for a better, more free life. Nonetheless, their efforts may be futile as their pursuit for freedom may land them in an uncertain limbo. The plight of the migrants escaping poverty and extreme crime cannot be ignored but neither can the rule of law, which is why it is imperative that both are taken …
PCC protests against Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy
Share: Written by Samantha Villa and Eric Haynes On June 30th, over 2,000 people flocked to the steps of Pasadena City College (PCC) to partake in a national protest against Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy that separates immigrant families seeking asylum. Follow:
Courier Chat: Separation of families with Hilda Coleman
Share: In this edition of the Courier Chat, Sam talks to Hilda Coleman about how she organized the PCC protest against the separation of families under Trump’s zero-toleration policy and how that policy is affecting the nation. Hilda’s contacts and media: Podcast: Instagram: taintedsun Email: Have something you want us to talk about on the podcast? Want to appear as a guest or have your story told? Email us!: The PCC Courier stands in solidarity with the Capital Gazette Newsroom Follow:
ICE: Inhumane, Cruel and Evil
Share: Xenophobia and racism can be packaged as many different forms, from patriotism to police cars to borders. ICE has been at the forefront of aggressive and unwarranted raids that have torn families apart across the US. However, these mass deportations are not the beginning nor are they the end. Follow:
DACA student fights for those in the shadows
Share: In the early morning on the busy streets of downtown LA back in September, there was a rally put together by members of Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA) in the morning in front of the Edward Roybal federal building. There were people slowly driving by in traffic honking at the crowd and waving their hands showing support. Union members, community group leaders from various groups like Undocumedia, allies, as well as LA County supervisor Hilda Solis spoke at the podium, …
I beg your pardon, Trump
Share: President Donald Trump sent the wrong message to the country when he pardoned the disgrace to the name Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Follow:
Back to school to become U.S. citizens
Share: As President Trump begins enforcing travel bans that convey unsavory attitudes towards immigrants, PCC continues to offer help to those who need it most. Follow: