Share: Children wailing for their parents in social services offices, families being pushed out of their homes and shoved into buses by police authorities, immigration offices and courtrooms flooded with people and desperation. This is what America would look like if Trump’s promise to deport its 11 million undocumented immigrants is kept with his election as president. Follow:
Ioan Grillo looks inside Mexico’s criminal insurgency
Share: Twitter users across the world witnessed a rare moment of disturbing brutality on Oct. 16, 2014. A social media journalist and doctor, going by the twitter pseudonym “Felina,” was killed and photos of her dead body were posted to her account. At the time of her death, she’d been reporting on the ongoing cartel violence happening in the brutal border town of Tamaulipas, Mexico. Follow:
Undocumented students find relief with UWB
Share: With Obama’s new executive order concerning the status of undocumented immigrants, many concerns and questions have surfaced for undocumented students on campus. Follow:
OP-ED: More immigration is good
Latinos are projected to become the largest “single racial/ethnic group” in the state of California by March of this year, according to California Governor Jerry Brown’s new state budget.
Immigrant issues discussed at forum
Immigration issues for students were discussed at a forum presented by United without Boundaries and By Any Means Necessary’s known as BAMN on Feb. 6.