Share: Espionage is a word most commonly associated with a ‘James Bond’ type hero risking life and limb for queen and country. Despite his heroic efforts Edward Snowden is being treated less like James Bond and more like Pussy Galore. Follow:
Creating more terrors than catching
Share: The policy changes regarding national security that have taken place since 9/11 are infringing and inconsiderate and despite good intentions, rarely do anything to stifle terrorism. Follow:
Environmentalism standing against capitalism
Share: When the British East India Company controlled India they pillaged its resources and contributed to mass famines. Just as The United Fruit Company directed the Banana Massacre with help from the U.S. and Colombian governments, using paramilitary assets to murder over 2000 striking workers. Even today Texaco lobbied the Obama administration to suppress an Ecuadorian court ruling to pay $8 billion for environmental damages caused by their oil development. Follow:
Protruding politicians personal privacy
Share: Most everyone expects the right to privacy, whether they’re famous or not. However, when it comes to the privacy of the potential future president, people want to know if they possess the physical and mental fortitude needed for the job. Follow:
Mass deportation will lead to massive catastrophe
Share: Children wailing for their parents in social services offices, families being pushed out of their homes and shoved into buses by police authorities, immigration offices and courtrooms flooded with people and desperation. This is what America would look like if Trump’s promise to deport its 11 million undocumented immigrants is kept with his election as president. Follow:
Why Sanders Berned Out
Share: There are 125 days until the general election and while each major party has chosen their nominee, there is a small faction that refuses to give up the ghost for failed primary challenger Bernie Sanders. Sanders’ campaign, or as I like to call it, “The Little Revolution That Wasn’t,” was a textbook guide for what not to do when running for the nomination of the Democratic Party. Follow:
Perpetuating The Californian Nanny State
Share: Gov. Jerry Brown apparently knows what’s best for the helpless people of California, signing into law a plethora of new legislation that will further add to the growing “Nanny State” that already exists in California. Follow:
Editorial: Students demand transparency from administration
Share: PCC has one of the best collegiate reputations in the state including state of the art facilities, great teachers and a challenging curriculum. But none of this means anything if its students don’t feel they can trust their administration. Follow:
Educational racism continues to stain students
Share: While it is an American belief that all people are made inherently equal in worth and potential, many teachers continue to demean and underestimate students of color in the classroom. Follow:
Students must pursue their dream major
Share: I once sat in my grandfather’s office, sinking into the tanned-leather cushion, my naked feet dangling inches above crème-and-sugar carpeting. My blonde hair up in a ponytail resembling a whale spout, I used my fingers to trace the teal paisley pattern in the wallpaper while my grandfather hummed to Andrea Bocelli. Follow: