Share: PRO: Fight Fire With Fire Cailynn Knabenshue Asst. Lifestyle Editor Suppose there’s an active shooter on campus. How do you expect first responders, specifically campus police, to fight them off with anything other than a loaded gun? I’m not advocating for the Second Amendment, nor do I want it to become easier to get access to firearms and no, this article isn’t sponsored by the NRA. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. I think that the reason for so many shootings nowadays is because …
City council shows no compassion to cannabis consumers
Share: Let’s get personal. I need medical cannabis and so do many people in the city of Pasadena. But there’s a problem: our city council has a personal vendetta against dispensaries. Follow:
Trump is afraid of bad-ass press, not bad press
Share: Unless you’ve decided that ignoring the news is the only way you’re going to make it through the next four years under President Trump, you’re aware of his administration’s war with the media and the various ways he’s attempted to manipulate the law in his favor. Follow:
Trumpcare raises the grave
Share: Donald Trump continues to show that he really does not care about the people who voted for him. Follow:
Janet Napolitano: Not My President
Share: UC students have another reason to yell with emotion, “Not My President.” Follow:
Fyre Festival bursts into flames
Share: #Fyrefest becomes #failfest in less than 24 hours. Follow:
Death penalty an escape from life in prison
Share: So what, your supply of midazolam is about to expire. Who’s fault is that? Follow:
The DNC shames Bernie
Share: To my fellow Liberals: Bernie Sanders was never your savior. Follow:
Another reason not to drink Pepsi
Share: Now I’ve never been a Pepsi fan. Given the choice, I’d take a Coke every time. I’ve also never understood why a large majority of my generation is obsessed with the Kardashians. But if I thought I despised them before they trivialized decades of civil rights protests and the recent Black Lives Matter movements in a mere two-and-a-half minutes, I surely loathe them now. Follow:
Personal life for sale; Serious inquiries only
Share: Data brokers are selling your information without informing you that someone is paying to look you up. Follow: