Share: It came as no surprise, but just because something is expected to happen does not mean that it still can’t be disappointing. Follow:
Maher can’t keep his foot out of his mouth
Share: In the boiling political climate that we have now, both the right and the left and anyone else on the spectrum seem to gravitate towards newscasters who present recent occurrences in a more relaxed and straightforward manner. Bill Maher, however, is no longer and was never one to look up to, especially for the left. Follow:
Road rage makes bike laws obsolete
Share: It is a dangerous world for bicyclists – especially in the streets of Los Angeles. Follow:
Demeaning dress codes are out of style
Share: Dress code policies continue to police what women can and cannot wear in the name of so-called “decency.” Follow:
Pro/Con: Starbucks pulls the plug on patrons
Share: Starbucks began removing outlets in stores this past March in an effort to reduce transient traffic as well as Wi-Fi squatters, what are your thoughts on this move and is it effective? Follow:
Wonder women only: You mad, bro?
Share: As any superhero fan knows by now, Wonder Woman’s first live-action film appearance hit theaters last weekend and proved to be yet another box office hit from DC Comics, the same series known for superheroes like Batman and Superman. The Alamo Drafthouse celebrated the female-centered super-heroine film in a rather unique (and extremely justified) way — a woman’s only screening that apparently shattered the fragile masculinity of some men who were offended at the thought of women getting together in support and celebration of a …
Triggered: Political-correctness hurts free speech
Share: A deadly substance called PCP (politically correct person) is spreading through American college campuses once again, but this time at even higher rate. This phenomenon hasn’t been an issue since the 1960s where American socialists within their communist party line began to be egalitarian with their politics. Follow:
It’s not American safety, it’s anti-immigrant propaganda
Share: It’s been no secret that Trump and his band of scheming, corrupt accomplices (or what government would apparently call an administration) have a personal vendetta against undocumented persons. Follow:
Shame on vote shamers
Share: Ever since the 2016 presidential election campaign it seems like people have started ignoring the notion of personal privacy. Offensive letters that were recently sent to L.A. voters is just one more step toward the nation’s complete disregard of confidentiality. Follow:
Diabetes as a pre-existing condition — you’re kidding me, right?
Share: With all of the news coming out of the White House on an almost-hourly basis, it’s almost too easy to miss the few crucial pieces of news that will hold the most impact on everyday life. Follow: