Share: It is hard to deny that men are obsessed with women’s vaginas, more specifically the things coming in or out of them. Follow:
Take a knee to make a statement is the American way
Share: Seems like using the platform you earned for peaceful protest is frowned upon in this country. Follow:
You want a war, Trump? Then go fight it yourself
Share: They say “pick your battles”, but when the battle is picked for you and you can’t even tweet Trump up and ask “WTF?” since the dude blocked you on Twitter – we are left scratching our heads and bracing for World War III. Follow:
New safe zone to open doors for marginalized students
Share: On a white backdrop, is a yellow, circular looking wreath that surrounds the words “Pasadena City College”. A maroon ribbon beneath the wreath, says, “PCC Safe Zone Coalition”. This logo, printed on a square sticker, is posted on a thin, rectangular window that looks into the Academic Senate office on the second floor of the C building. Follow:
I beg your pardon, Trump
Share: President Donald Trump sent the wrong message to the country when he pardoned the disgrace to the name Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Follow:
PCC takes firm stance against DACA announcement
Share: On Tuesday morning, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, announced on behalf of the Trump Administration that Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), an Obama-era program that gives 800,000 undocumented youth access to education and work, is to be terminated unless Congress can find a legislative solution within six months. Follow:
Transgender soldiers are still soldiers
Share: Much like muggle born wizards striving to live fairly in spite of Voldemort’s world, many members of the transgender community have risen up to defend themselves and all genders inside the military after Trump’s insensitive transgender ban was set out. Follow:
Political Dissident: Otto Warmbier happens every day in the US
Share: It’s been heavily implied that Otto Warmbier was killed by North Korea for stealing a sign. Comments about how barbaric and cruel North Korea is have flooded social media; condemnations about how a man shouldn’t have been given a death sentence for stealing and how regimes like North Korea go against U.S. values are in huge supply. While what happened to Warmbier was a terrible tragedy, I can’t help but notice the hypocritical tone and rhetoric surrounding his treatment and death. Follow:
Trump VS. the world
Share: It came as no surprise, but just because something is expected to happen does not mean that it still can’t be disappointing. Follow: