Share: The PCC Police Department (PCCPD) receives daily and continuous reports from students and staff of transients on campus taunting students with objects, setting up camp in the library, showering in the locker rooms and sleeping in the elevators prompting responding officers to escort them off campus. Follow:
Board of trustees choose termination over tenure for instructor
Share: The board of trustees voted March 11, 2019, to deny tenure and terminate psychology instructor Dr. Jennifer Koontz, effective in June, after four years at PCC. Follow:
PCC reduces number of potential faculty hires
Share: Pasadena City College (PCC) has announced a cutback in prospective full-time faculty hires from 57 potential openings to 45. The call for a reduction comes after last semesters declaration to hire 57 new full-time positions to fullfil an obligation in accordance with the school’s Faculty Obligation Number (FON) that is mandated by the state of California. Follow:
PCC lacks vital services for disabled students
Share: Pasadena City College’s (PCC) Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSP&S) provides programs and accommodations intended to create an accessible learning environment for students with disabilities, but they have left at least one student to fend for himself. Follow:
PCC student counselors are here to help
Share: PCC’s personal counseling department recently introduced a new program that allows students to become peer counselors with the responsibility of being able to listen and give advice to students who need to talk about their mental health. Follow:
PCC club week: Something for everyone
Share: Music blasted from speakers set up by a DJ throughout PCC’s quad Thursday afternoon. Tables were lined up from end to end decorated with vibrant posters and flyers promoting themselves to the students who wandered through, eager to see what the next table had to offer. Follow:
PCC professor speaks of technological impact on education
Share: At first glance, the classroom seemed to be in disarray. Stacks of paper lay haphazardly on Charmaine Cordero’s work desk. Vintage posters hung precariously on the walls. The tiled floor was heavily marked by shifting room arrangements, furniture and the shuffling of students. Follow:
PCC reopens after power outage
Share: UPDATE: 3/18/19: The PCC Colorado campus reopened for classes Monday. A rave alert was sent to students this morning notifying them of the news. Follow:
Back to school while turning tables
Share: After working a long day as a full-time store manager, Jose Robles takes his free time to practice his mixing skills. Robles loses himself in the music, finding the right songs to blend together, learning the right transitions and discovering himself as person. Due to his aspiration to become a DJ, Robles believes Communications and Television-Radio could push him towards that direction. Acknowledging his passion, he decided to go Pasadena city college and continue his education. “I came to a point whether or not I …
Title X change and lawsuits’ impact on PCC
Share: Lawsuits filed by the State of California and Planned Parenthood regarding the Trump administration’s change to Title X could significantly impact Pasadena City College (PCC) students’ ability to receive family planning services. Follow: