Share: When it’s veiled behind fear mongering tactics, voter suppression can easily look like a remedy for voter fraud. Follow:
PRO/CON: The sides of Hugh Hefner
Share: Hugh Hefner passed away at 91 and left behind a legacy of either sexism or activism. Who was the true Hefner? Follow:
Political Dissident: Hollywood’s fake outrage over Harvey Weinstein
Share: “I got tired of sucking dick for bit parts.” Follow:
No one told Megyn Kelly that Santa’s not real
Share: The first time I saw a clip of “The Kelly File,” I watched as a diverse panel of four white people prepared to discuss Santa Claus’ race. That’s when Megyn Kelly said the words that had me questioning everything I knew to be true. “Jesus was a white man too … he was a historical figure that’s a verifiable fact, as is Santa.” You know, Santa. That historical figure known for breaking into people’s houses in the middle of the night and leaving them …
Take a knee to make a statement is the American way
Share: Seems like using the platform you earned for peaceful protest is frowned upon in this country. Follow:
You want a war, Trump? Then go fight it yourself
Share: They say “pick your battles”, but when the battle is picked for you and you can’t even tweet Trump up and ask “WTF?” since the dude blocked you on Twitter – we are left scratching our heads and bracing for World War III. Follow:
DNA on Stockley’s barrel still not enough to be locked up
Share: St. Louis Judge Timothy Wilson’s not guilty ruling for former police officer Jason Stockley is truly appalling; the verdict should not come as a surprise to people, considering the history of police officers across the country being found not guilty of killing citizens, even when there is video evidence that there was little or no threat to the officers. Follow:
The win/win option that isn’t single payer or Obamacare
Share: What’s the best thing about Switzerland? I don’t know but the flag is a huge plus. This classic joke is not only funny it’s a huge statement that says more about their healthcare than ours. Follow:
L’Oreal: Because you’re worth it (if you’re white)
Share: We as a society have been through the abolition of slavery, the Industrial Revolution, the Women’s Rights, Civil Rights, LGBT movements and two massive World Wars that have changed the narrative of our world. Yet, as a country where we pride ourselves on our equality, democracy and human rights, we still have a major social issue with systemic racism and the media has had a big hand in perpetuating that. Follow:
Mother Nature is pissed off
Share: There’s a party in the USA and hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, and heat waves are all invited. Follow: