Twitter’s new 280 character is stupid and too long and no one wants to read this much and have I proven my point yet?

Share: During the past couple weeks the public interest in Twitter’s decision to switch it’s character limit to 280 characters for certain countries has diminished, which is the opposite of what the profoundly negative social impacts of this decision will do in the current social and journalistic climate.   Follow:

Representation matters in mainstream media and culture

Share: Sexy Latina, angry black girl, nerdy Asian, and exotic are labels the majority of marginalized folks have been thrown into due to how the mainstream culture has portrayed them. “’You have no idea how difficult it is to get a bunch of black and Hispanic kids to watch ‘SNL’ over ‘In Living Color,” said ‘Girls Trip’ actress and comedian Tiffany Haddish in her opening monologue on Saturday Night Live (SNL) after making history by becoming the first female black stand-up comic to host SNL …

Thanksgiving dismisses persistent culture of white violence

Share: White people in America have convinced themselves that overt racism is the only kind that affects people of color. They’ve taught themselves to dismiss the culture of white supremacy that exists below the surface of racial slurs and Nazi chants. Their version of history depicts the violence of their ancestors as heroic and righteous, with monikers like “In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue.” In 1972 when Angela Davis was interviewed while she was in prison, she was asked if she thought that violence …

Does Halloween encourage cultural appropriation?

Share: Halloween is the one holiday a year where one gets to dress up as their favorite character without looking like a complete weirdo. It’s a reason to be slutty where it isn’t as acceptable on other days. It isn’t a day where one should decide to dress up as another culture or race because that can be portrayed as offensive to that specific culture. When choosing a costume for Halloween, other people’s culture should be cut out of the equation. Someone could be offended …