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A mob of red and gold jerseys stormed Mt. San Jacinto’s half of the field, unleashing a flurry of passes leading to the first of many points for the Lancers. Although the Lancers had a slow and steady start, only able to score one point in the first half, the second half erupted when various PCC attackers scored seven points in rapid succession. 

Swift midfielder Katy Coats lead her team by applying a devilish amount of pressure in the first few minutes of the game. Within fifteen minutes of kickoff, forward midfielder Erica Perez blazed a path for Coats’ first goal of the game with a clean assist. Coats claims that this first goal was scored with her “animal instincts.” Perez felt this goal allowed the Lancers to shake of the jitters and really get into the game. 

The remaining first half went on with equal tension from both teams with the Lancers up 1-0. 

“We started off strong, then we had a few weak moments, then got our groove back and scored a lot of points with teamwork,” said Coats. 

“A lot of points” is putting it lightly as a total of 8 were collectively scored from both teams in the second half. The Mt. San Jacinto Eagles scored their first point in the beginning of the second half, using a tremendous amount of force. However, this pressure was soon relieved by two points scored in haste by the Lancers. 

Using a high amount of simple passes, PCC turned the second half around in the blink of an eye. 

“I prefer assisting,” said Perez. “Because I know that [Coats] would do the same for me.” 

A large amount of passes, strong combo moves, and executed assists lead PCC to their victory. With the final point scored by Coats via a penalty shot, the Lancers walked off the field exhausted and proud. 

Compared to their last game, which was a 3-2 win at Victor Valley, Head Coach Francisco Cantero claims that this game was much rougher for PCC. 

“We had to travel for an hour and run on natural grass so we were tired and missed chances to score and extend our lead,” said Cantero.

Goalie Alyssa Holt, formed an iron wall for the Lancers by saving eight shots and keeping Victor Valley out.

“Communication is key,” said freshman midfielder Montserrat Menendez. “Last game we were up 3-0 and we weren’t talking.” 

The Lancers will be sure to communicate in their upcoming game at Norco, on Sept 10. Both the players and coaches are feeling confident about this upcoming game and hope to apply all that they’ve learned. 

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