PCC alum Reyna Grande writes her way through imposter syndrome

Share: Students and faculty members quickly piled into the Writing Success Center (WSC) in support of PCC alum turned published author Reyna Grande’s panel. They were handed a box of catered food from Stonefire Grill, a notecard to jot down questions to ask the guest speaker and were given the opportunity to purchase one of Grande’s books for $15.  The WSC was a packed house as PCC’s Puente club spotlighted Grande in a discussion-based event on May 7. Grande shared stories reflecting on her journey …

Culture week cookin’: Try an Italian professor’s veggie meatballs

Share: As part of International Week at PCC, Italian professor Laura Godio prepared two different recipes for her students, a classic Italian meatball dish and a zucchini-based “meatball” inspired by her vegetarian students. International Week aims to expand students’ knowledge of foreign cultures and to celebrate the arts of different nations. “I enjoy doing this for my students,” Godio said, referencing the meatball dishes she crafts for her students, “It helps them better understand vocabulary when they’re participating in something physical like cooking. My students …

No coach, no problem! PCC’s track throwers prove that ‘Pasadena is it’

Share: For the 2024 Track and Field season, the throwers on the track team didn’t have an official coach. This certainly presented some obstacles, but the resilient Lancers still excelled this season. Three throwers, in particular, performed extremely well all season, all of whom managed to perform well enough in their events at the South Coast Conference on May 7 to move on to the State Championships. Before the season officially began, the throwers were informed that they would likely not have a permanent coach …

‘A winner never quits and a quitter never wins’

Share: Growing up as an athlete that aspires to compete in a sport at the highest level possible isn’t an easy feat. It takes time, dedication, hard work and so much more to keep yourself motivated and to keep improving. PCC freshman track and field runner Jaylin Morgan, has first hand experience with the competitiveness of running and the dedication that comes with achieving the opportunity to be racing at the collegiate level.  Morgan has been involved in the track and field world ever since …

Coding prodigy scared coyotes away, but fears the AI drones he created

Share: Coding is a tool used to build bridges in programs that ultimately create a form of digital life. These computer programs are traditionally used for hosting websites and applications. PCC student, Mohammad Shirmohammadi, instead uses coding as an instrument to leave a beneficial social impact on the people around him.  Shirmohammadi is a first-year data science student pursuing a career in machine learning engineering, melded with social entrepreneurship. He began his social impact journey when he was in high school with his early work …

Free Comic Day carnival caters to Pasadena’s comic collectors

Share: A long line formed all around the block, every comic book fan excited to make their way to the festival and multiple of any free comic they wanted. And once the doors opened, the Comic Factory was flooded with people like on Black Friday aiming to get the comic of their choice. On May the 4th, the 22nd annual Free Comic Book Day was celebrated worldwide and featured various activities attendees were able to do to earn coins to exchange for free comics at …

Clickbait: Get hooked on PCC’s fishing club treading into new water

Share: If you’re angling to spend more time with like-minded piscary participants, hone in your knot tying skills, or just really want a new hobby, the PCC Fishing club is ready to reel you in. Established in late 2018, the club has functioned as a space where fishing aficionados meet weekly to learn about the various species of aquatic life they typically find, whether that’s in fresh or saltwater. “Really, the fishing club is for anyone, if you’re just a weekend warrior and want to …

Meet the conductor behind badminton’s dominance

Share: Badminton head coach Jennifer Ho has been a fan of sports all of her life, which is what led to her choosing the career that she currently has. The only box she can’t check off is playing them. Despite that, she decided to be a kinesiology major.  “I wasn’t born or raised here, so I didn’t get a chance to play sports,” Ho said. “I always wanted to be a kinesiology major because I loved sports so much,” Ho said.  As of Apr. 15th, …

What’s in a name…change? Pride Center clinic helps students legalize identity

Share: On Monday, April 8, at Pasadena City College, as many students are contemplating what their plans are during their spring break, other students, specifically trans and non-binary, have plans that are beyond spring break and more personal in nature. It is day one for them to change their name and also their gender marker. Trans and Nonbinary students are at the Pride Center to take the first steps of participating in a workshop to go over just how laboring the process is in changing …

Traditional music meets modern beats at Getty College Night

Share: Against panoramic city views and the stunning architecture of the Getty Center, thousands of students mingled as a symphony of electronic Cherokee and Muscogee music filled the air. This was no ordinary night at the museum; it was Getty College Night, a night for students from colleges and universities across the region to come together in celebration of art, culture, and creativity with a plethora of activities, live performances, and art exhibitions. The event alternates between the Getty Villa and Center each year, this …