Hollywood is the one that needs to be rebooted

Share: It’s no surprise anymore to see a show you grew up watching or a show you love get handed off to the depths of reboot hell. Today, the industry is rapidly pumping out new content to keep up with our rapid culture and the studios are running out of original ideas. Reboots, remakes, and spin-offs all reveal Hollywood’s lack of creativity. The industry has been chasing its own high by forcing its reboots into television and exploiting their own past and their viewers for …

In your PCC era? Practical pro tips for new students

Share: The parking lots are overcrowded, the bookstore line is zig zagged, and you can’t figure out the order of room numbers fast enough. Whether this is your very first time on a college campus or your very first time on PCC’s campus, we went ahead and created a new student guide with the help of some returning PCC students. This guide is filled with some small tips to make this transition a bit more bearable.    Best study spots: PCC offers many options around …