Share: A live-action remake of Disney’s 1998 animated film “Mulan” premiered on Disney+ on September 4, and will be available for standard Disney+ subscribers on December 4. The main message from “Mulan” is to embrace oneself and to not be what others want you to become. However, the live action film manages to make the audience feel even more confused and alienated than before. Follow:
Of course Trump said terrible things about vets again
Share: Over this past Labor Day weekend, Boston based magazine The Atlantic published an article claiming President Donald Trump called soldiers that died in World War I “losers” and “suckers.” The president disputes ever saying these comments. However, his past attacks on veterans and their families prove the president is unreliable to telling the truth. Follow:
Lancer Motorsports club virtually designs a car together
Share: The single seater electric go-kart produced by PCC and Caltech students unleash an ear-splitting roar with an engine capable of traveling up to 80 miles per hour. Follow:
Blackademia enlightens students amid America’s racist reckoning
Share: Prior to the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor that sparked worldwide outrage in recent months, the Blackademia program at PCC held meetings discussing police brutality. A few months ago, they discussed how the lives of Black people aren’t taken seriously. Some students believe they don’t get the same opportunities to work, go to school and speak as freely as others because of the color of their skin. They expressed their anger, sadness and concern for equality for all Black people. “One of …
Runners concerned about injuries in overlapping seasons
Share: Cross-country is tentatively having its first meet in February and its last meet in April. April is set to be the start for the track and field season. This means the cross-country season will overlap into the beginning of the track season, according to Head Coach Innocent Egbunike in an email. “We are hoping that with the way we train the athletes, we will not have any injuries,” said Egbunike. “But if we do, we have very capable athletic trainers that will help keep …
Chadwick Boseman: Remembering the world’s first Black superhero
Share: Chadwick Boseman was an inspiration and a real-life superhero. Boseman taught us that people can be a good leader and to be bold enough to change the game. He showed that they can become a superhero, a good cop/ detective, or an amazing baseball player. Follow:
PCC athletics focuses on voter education
Share: PCC athletics will suspend all activities on Nov 3rd to allow student-athletes the time to vote and partake in this year’s election. The newest athletic campaign, Exercise your right to vote, focuses on informing student-athletes about their rights as voters and encourages student-athletes to take a stand. Follow:
Say his name: Community remembers Anthony McClain
Share: The night of August 15, Pasadena Police officers conducted a traffic stop that ended in the shooting of Anthony McClain, an African-American man, by Officer Edwin Dumaguindin. McClain’s last two hours on this earth were spent alone at Huntington Hospital, leaving his three children without a father. In the weeks following McClain’s death, strangers began to rally behind his story, protesting against the murder of African-Americans by police, and screaming “no justice, no peace” into the high heavens. On Friday, Aug. 28, McClain’s family …
PCC campus closed due to Bobcat Fire
Share: The Bobcat fire that is currently sweeping through Angeles National Forest, blanketing the foothill communities in smoke and ash, has caused Pasadena City College to fully shut down its facilities until Monday, Sept. 14, campus officials announced today in an email. Follow:
PCC’s Ure finds new home in San Rafael
Share: It was an incredibly hot day in November, and the sun shined heavily on Robinson stadium. The sweat dripping from the Lancers’ forehead painted a portrait of the game’s intensity as the Lancers battled the undefeated Falcons of Cerritos College. At the end of the first half, the Falcons tied the score 2-2. But now it’s the final minute of the game and the Lancers scored again. PCC went on to defeat Cerritos 4-2. The perfect ending to a season. It was Adam Ure’s …