English and vampires do go together

Share: Sometimes, a teacher is more than just a teacher. Many students may attend college simply to better themselves, have a better chance at that dream career or maybe even just to get out of their parents homes. It is easy to forget that there is so much more going on outside of their own world. It happens. Being able to see a broader picture of the world around you can help not only with broadening your horizons but could even lead to a fantastic …

Editorial: Cairo must sign agreement

Share: PCC students stand to lose nearly $3 million in grant money if Academic Senate President Eduardo Cairo doesn’t sign a document authorizing it. The money would go toward the Student Success and Support Program (SSSP) plan, which is a plan that would allow for many improvements in Student Services, the most important being the hiring of more counselors. As of right now the student to counselor ratio is 885 to one. The money would go to improving PCC’s atrocious counseling situation by hiring at …