Plans to move Science Success Center put on hold

Share: Plans to move the STEM Science Success Center away from the Science Village for the spring of next year have been put on hold. The original proposal was to move the STEM Science Success Center into room 300 inside the D building. This was part of the opening of the new Sarafian building, and the opening of classes would fill the space for the spring of next year. However, Stephanie Fleming, Dean of of Academic Affairs, said the idea would not proceed.  “Originally, we …

State of California will no longer fully fund U-Building project

Share: The progress to get work done on the Armen Sarafian Hall (also known as the U building) has been dealt a number of blows in recent weeks. The full support of the project from the government has been derailed, and the school is hoping that the state will change its mind before the May Revise when the governor’s proposed budget from January gets an update before it is signed into law by the end of June. Follow: