How to join Associated Students

Share: The Associated Students of Pasadena City College (ASPCC), is a group of students whose voices represent the student body as a whole on campus. One of their main objectives is to inform students of anything happening at school that will affect them directly, along with being a place where anyone can go to voice their questions and concerns. There are two ways to join ASPCC: to get elected or to get appointed. Requirements: In order to be a part of AS, there are a …

PCC’s attendance numbers spring up this semester

Share: Thanks to the “Spring into Action! With +1 class” promotional message that was sent to thousands of students and posted on the school’s website, PCC is on its way to achieve its 2017 full-time equivalent students (FTES) goal of 25,257 students. According to PCC’s latest FTES report from 2016-2017, which doesn’t report on non-credit completion and summer enrollment, the school’s FTES is now at 22,646 students and overall 93 percent of enrollment rate for classes. School administrators are focusing on reaching the state’s target …