Share: Ever since the 2016 presidential election campaign it seems like people have started ignoring the notion of personal privacy. Offensive letters that were recently sent to L.A. voters is just one more step toward the nation’s complete disregard of confidentiality. Follow:
Swim team drowns in titles and broken records
Share: Lancer’s swim broke records, ranked in state titles, and created a rip tide for their freshmen swimmers to follow to sophomore glory. Follow:
PCC’s Wifi: Where are you now that I need you?
Share: Disclaimer: The following is the Lifestyle Editor’s sarcastic review of our campus’s wifi. No web browser’s cookies were crumbled during the making of this review. Follow:
How to join Associated Students
Share: The Associated Students of Pasadena City College (ASPCC), is a group of students whose voices represent the student body as a whole on campus. One of their main objectives is to inform students of anything happening at school that will affect them directly, along with being a place where anyone can go to voice their questions and concerns. There are two ways to join ASPCC: to get elected or to get appointed. Requirements: In order to be a part of AS, there are a …
PCC and the curious case of the levitating door
Share: If you’ve ever made your way up to the fourth floor of the C-building, you may have come across a door unlike any other here on campus. Reminiscent of the room of requirement from Harry Potter, this mystifying door seems to be shrouded in secrecy. Follow:
Students conquer conflicts with Psych Services
Share: When the world seems to be filled with nothing but disappointment and life doesn’t seem exactly exciting anymore, it’s important to remember that there is always somebody willing to help. Psychological Services at PCC wants students to know that seeking support is not something to be ashamed of, but is an admirable step. Follow:
Campus crime tips now fully anonymous
Share: One of PCC’s newest online features, Lancer Anonymous Tip Reporting (LART), enables anyone to submit and provide suspected crime information confidentially and anonymously to Campus Police. Follow:
Debate’s priceless push to Nationals
Share: PCC’s award-winning Speech and Debate (Forensics) members’ second home is the basement level of the C building. The hallway holds a collage of old and new successful forensics members and a case crowded with trophies, and behind the doors are forensics members either laughing, crying, or advocating for social change. Follow:
Students are about to get ‘Starfished’
Share: PCC is about to launch Starfish, a software platform that sends early-alerts to students based on their class performance and faculty concerns, then puts them in contact in real time with the resources designed to help them such as counseling. Follow:
PCC’s attendance numbers spring up this semester
Share: Thanks to the “Spring into Action! With +1 class” promotional message that was sent to thousands of students and posted on the school’s website, PCC is on its way to achieve its 2017 full-time equivalent students (FTES) goal of 25,257 students. According to PCC’s latest FTES report from 2016-2017, which doesn’t report on non-credit completion and summer enrollment, the school’s FTES is now at 22,646 students and overall 93 percent of enrollment rate for classes. School administrators are focusing on reaching the state’s target …