Popular program demystifies communication disorders

Share: Anyone who frequents Pasadena City College has definitely walked by the Center for the Arts building located right in the middle of campus. But past the rose garden and down the hall, in a small, dark hallway at the end of the top floor of the building, lies a small office that can be near impossible to find, if not for the one dozen arrows that point in the room’s direction. Follow:

Editorial: Board’s failed presidential search fails campus again

Share: Pasadena City College’s (PCC) mission statement claims they strive “to provide a high quality, academically robust learning environment that encourages, supports and facilitates student learning and success.” Yet, as the search for the college’s new superintendent-president comes to a halt, the Board of Trustees (BOT) have yet again illustrated how out of touch they are with the campus community. Follow:

Mirror Pool Stoners: ‘Don’t hide the weed, divide it’

Share: Names marked with an asterisk were withheld for privacy reasons. Written by Grace Pickering and Mandie Montes In the days since the rain poured over Southern California, the once dead grass on campus has become luscious, providing a haven for students to practice tai-chi, bask in the sun, or hang around the mirror pools – a spot where students regularly consume cannabis. Students are seen often huddled together in various groups scattered around the edges, standing around and smoking a bowl or two while …