CA Supreme Court just gave up on the state’s gig economy

Share: In Dynamex Operations West, Inc. vs. Superior Court of Los Angeles, the State of California is on the fence about how to properly classify a worker as an employee or as an independent contractor. The Supreme Court explains that a worker is considered someone who is hired to do the usual work of a business, while an independent contractor is an outsider doing work outside of a business’s normal operation. This ruling does not bode well for the ever increasing gig economy. Follow:

The problem is bigger than Apu

Share: A myriad of tactics have been used to perpetuate the war on drugs and the mass incarceration of black and brown men, from FDR’s anti-marijuana campaign to Clinton’s three strikes law. One of the chief reasons for the legislative success of throwing men of color in prisons was propaganda and it presented itself in various forms. Follow:

Sinclair’s politically motivated script hoisted red flags for a path of destruction

Share: Irony is inescapable as you watch the Deadspin video that stitches together Sinclair Broadcasting Group’s reporters as they recite a script hypocritically claiming to defend democracy. It evokes a  hair-raising feeling of dread reminiscent of 1984. The message criticized fake news, which seems like a noble message until you consider the political context. From a national news standpoint, the script echos Trump’s favorite talking point about “fake news.” From an independent journalism standpoint, the command to broadcast is threatening to mute journalists’ critical and …

Trump’s unilateral war power will cause global chaos

Share: On Friday April 13, the United States, France, and the United Kingdom launched airstrikes against a number of targets across Syria after the strikes were ordered by US President Donald Trump in response to the Syrian Regime’s use of chemical weapons to kill civilians. The strikes show just how much power the office of the President now hoards over military decisions. The ability of the President to launch military strikes at any time and in any country without any oversight or accountability is dangerous …

Why Americans who care about social justice should care about Palestine

Share: In August 2014, a young black man named Michael Brown was shot by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri and the city exploded in grief. Almost immediately after Brown was killed, scores of protesters took to the streets to demand accountability and an end to police murders of black men in the United States. Outfitted in full military gear, the police responded to the growing community protest with clouds of tear gas launched from armored vehicles, assault rifles pointed at unarmed citizens, and …

Dear Hollywood, Margot Robbie did not come to play

Share: Men have dominated the entertainment industry for hundreds of years. Whether it’s their roles as directors and producers, or the leading characters they portray in films, they’ve always been seen as the gods of Hollywood, while women have been relegated to sit in the sidelines and applaud their achievements. Australian actress and producer, Margot Robbie has chosen to shed some light on a handful of disregarded female characters and actresses, as well as female writers, by moving them from the sidelines to center stage …