Popular program demystifies communication disorders

Share: Anyone who frequents Pasadena City College has definitely walked by the Center for the Arts building located right in the middle of campus. But past the rose garden and down the hall, in a small, dark hallway at the end of the top floor of the building, lies a small office that can be near impossible to find, if not for the one dozen arrows that point in the room’s direction. Follow:

Yo, ho, ho: Singing pirates are sailing to PCC

Share: As PCC’s spring semester approaches its end, the days become longer and the campus gets a lot quieter. However, just outside the Center for the Arts building, the sound of swords clashing can be heard from the Jameston Amphitheater. The outdoor space is filled with students from the opera production class at PCC preparing for the opening night of “Pirates of Penzance” on May 18th. Follow: