Share: Save the date for Tuesday, Jan 31. PCC’s Lunar New Year celebration will be taking place from 12-1pm. The event will be held in the quad and hosted by PCC Professor Cathy Wei and educational advisor Cathy Chen. “This event has been at PCC for 4 years. Every year has different things based on resources. We started planning this at the beginning of December. At the 2022 festival, everyone had masks. We once even had an online Chinese New Year celebration,” Wei says when …
Monterey Park mass shooting hits close to home for PCC officials
Share: A gunman opened fire into Star Ballroom Dance Studio in Monterey Park Saturday night during a Lunar New Year festival killing ten and injuring 10 others in the largest mass shooting in the United States since Uvalde, TX. Elizabeth Yang, a lawyer and local resident of Monterey Park, was home with her family during the shooting and said she began to receive texts from friends to see if she was alright. “They’re usually retired ladies who are looking for something to do and have …
From California bottom feeders to conference contenders
Share: The Pasadena City College Men’s Basketball team is coming off an abysmal 2021-2022 season, finishing at an historic low record of 1-26. The whole season was filled with confusion at the coaching spots, constant lineup changes, and almost no consistency. However, looking at the new and improved coaching staff and lineup fans would never know how things went down last year. The Lancers are currently on an impressive 8 game win streak which is the longest in over 23 years. For this recent success …
In ‘stunning’ ruling labor board overturns decertification election at PCC
Share: A ruling by the California Public Employment Relations Board last week upheld an injunction filed by the Pasadena City College Faculty Association in the summer of 2022 and invalidated the results of the October secret ballot election held at PCC. The ruling by PERB and its board on Jan. 11 found that the use of “electronic proof of support to trigger a decertification petition” could not legally be used to measure support for a decertification election. “While this ruling was both a huge surprise …
Brazil’s January insurrection looks all too familiar
Share: On Jan. 6, 2021, a group of rioters invaded the United States Capital. These rioters were supporters of former President Donald Trump who consistently claimed that the 2020 presidential election was rigged. On Jan. 8, 2023 in the city of Brasilia, The home of the Brazilian Capital, was invaded by a mob of Brazilians who were supporters of the former President Jair Bolsanaro, who like Trump, made false claims that the 2022 Brazilian Presidential election was rigged. How could this type of attempted coup …
Self care: The way physical health affects mental health
Share: Self care has many different shapes and sizes for all of us. Each and every person has different coping mechanisms when having mental health issues, including spa-like relaxation activities. “I might say shower and meditate. I literally sit and meditate while the water falls on me. I find that very relaxing.” Brandon Siciarz a philosophy major at PCC said. “I do not see a therapist. I do believe that meditation provides values that could also be found in therapy. However true therapy probably has …
Bills safety lives, but without any changes NFL safety is not guaranteed
Share: The incident surrounding Damar Hamlin raised safety concerns for football fans. The Buffalo Bills and the NFL did show what seemed to be overwhelming support for the young player. But what does it mean for future incidents such as this? Rewatching the footage, it’s kind of hard to see what happened at first. When medics rush to the scene, it quickly changes to a commercial to almost try and evade the situation from viewers. About nine minutes into the game and what appeared to …