Save us from daylight savings

Share: I groggily slipped out of bed to prepare for school on Monday, Mar. 11. I opened the shutters, hoping for a glimmer of sunlight to peer into my darkened room. However, no sunshine was to be found. Then, I remembered. Dread it, run from it, daylight savings still arrives. Cursing the US for still practicing this outdated idea, I arrived at PCC, noticing the students around campus seemed to be more lifeless than usual. The chirping of the birds were drowned out by the …

GARB: Colliding art and fashion

Share: To fulfill a visually stimulating craving, ArtCenter College of Design is currently showcasing an exhibition titled “GARB”, at their Alyce de Roulet Williamson Gallery. The exhibition presents a “collision of image, body, art, object, fashion and costume.” Curators Ann Field and John David O’Brien juxtapose fashion and costume artifacts with art, sculpture and objects, even making some pieces “wearable art.” In this exhibition an array of illustrators such as Ann Field, Bob Peak and Tony Viramontes can be found expressing how their creative ideas …