Lancers’ Lives: Siblings who stick together, slay together

Share: Christian and Kennedy Crumbles have been living in Pasadena while going to PCC for over a year and a half. Christian was 17 when he registered for PCC, while Kennedy started at ELAC when she was 16, and transferred to PCC last year. The siblings not only take the same interest in biology but also hiking, adventuring. Christian is also making music while Kennedy is modeling on the side. Follow:

Another reason not to drink Pepsi

Share: Now I’ve never been a Pepsi fan. Given the choice, I’d take a Coke every time. I’ve also never understood why a large majority of my generation is obsessed with the Kardashians. But if I thought I despised them before they trivialized decades of civil rights protests and the recent Black Lives Matter movements in a mere two-and-a-half minutes, I surely loathe them now. Follow:

CourierCast: Print media dies at community colleges

Share: Christian Rivas and John Orona of the Courier sat down with the editorial staff at Mt. SAC to talk the state of student journalism on junior college campuses, as well as the importance of having a progressive staff advisor. Where do you stand on the debate? What are some pros and cons of going completely digital? Let us know in the comments below or send us a Tweet @PCCCourier. Courier Cast is a student-run podcast brought to you by The Courier at Pasadena City …

Feeling the burn with Hot 8 Yoga

Share: I voluntarily drove to Hot 8 Yoga and walked into their artificially heated studios three mornings in a row at the exact same time that my husband was escaping the humid heat of Ahmedabad’s streets in India, finding relief in his air-conditioned hotel room. While he’s dreading the high temperatures of his Indian business trip, back home, I’m paying to sweat. Follow: