Share: No one likes it when someone keeps giving them worn out, B.S. excuses that are either lies or alter the actual truth of the matter. But it seems like when it comes to the life of Philando Castile and so many other Black men and women before him, the excuses from the judicial system are endless. Follow:
Police Blotter: Fire Department rescues subject stuck in elevator
Share: Monday, June 5 PCC Campus Police reported that suspicious figures were seen examining the inside of vehicles parked in Lot 11 at 7:56pm. The two male suspects left the area when Officer Chan conducted an area search. Nothing was reported stolen. PCC Campus Police responded to a subject stuck in an elevator at 6:28am in the R-building. Campus Police were unable to reset the elevator. The Pasadena Fire Department was called for assistance, and the subject was rescued out of the elevator. Tuesday, June …
Volleyball aces transfer to four-year schools
Share: As the semester comes to a close, three of our women’s volleyball players will be transferring to four-year colleges this fall where they’ll be continuing their volleyball careers. Follow:
CourierCast: PCC chief of police on gun violence, sexual assault and more
Share: Chief of Police Steve Matchan joined CourierCast to talk active shooters on campus, the gun debate on campus and how to report crime on campus. Chief Matchan also talks about the plans for the campus police department going forward, including monthly workshops for students. Follow:
Associated Students Meeting: June 7, 2017
Share: Financial Aid Director Manuel Cerda gave a presentation on BankMobile as a new way students will be receiving their financial aid grant as well as their refund. Outgoing president Julia Russo goes over the results of a student survey that was emailed to students during this semester – 24,616 total. Only 1,220 students filled it out (5%). +49% Students will benefit from an increased amount of water filters on campus. +39% of students would like for the library hours to stay open later +61% …
CourierCast: Change of leadership in the newsroom
Share: After serving a year as the Courier’s editor-in-chief, John Orona is stepping down and moving on from Pasadena City College. He joined the CourierCast to talk about his time with the Courier as well as his thoughts on the transition from print to digital. We’re also joined by new editor-in-chief, Amber Lipsey, who served as the Courier’s managing editor this past semester. Follow:
Lancer Pantry continues to conquer food insecurity
Share: The once empty CC-212 has transformed into Lancer Pantry, crowded with bread loaves, canned food, pre-packaged lunches, and fruits. As the semester went by, Lancer Pantry has added more to their shelves and is serving 1,800 to 2,000 pounds of food per week, thanks to the numerous donors who’ve been supporting PCC’s newest student service all semester. Follow:
Building campus community at Rosemead
Share: The single building sitting on the corner of Rosemead Boulevard and Newby Avenue could easily be mistaken as any commercial building, like an apartment complex with a fence structured around it, but instead, it’s PCC Rosemead. Follow:
Lancers’ Lives: Living the dream at PCC
Share: James Click is an English professor at PCC, who has been teaching here for eight years. Click focuses on rhetoric and philosophy in each of his classes. Ever since he studied at PCC it has been his dream to come back and teach here. Click is a passionate professor who is in love with his job and plans to stay here for the foreseeable future. Follow: