Male cheerleader: ‘I love who I am’

Share: Standing atop the artificial track turf, Saul Villegas faced the home crowd as the only male cheerleader, surrounded by confidently radiant female faces. What started off as an innocent and unsuspecting hip roll soon turned into an explosive hip thrust. Villegas was dressed in spandex with the cardinal and gold Lancer logo on the face of the shirt. Lip gloss—check. Highlight—check. Hair styled—check. And don’t forget the contacts. No, not those. The one’s with the blue tint. Yeah, that’s better. Perhaps the night would …

International students to pay more at PCC

Share: In a unanimous vote, PCC’s Board of Trustees approved an update in tuition fees for non-resident students in the upcoming academic year, according to their meeting in February.  Non-resident students include international students and out of state students. Students that have lived inside the state of California under a year are also typically considered non-resident students.  The increases come from the non-resident tuition fee, which will change from $265 to $290, and the capital outlay fees, which will change from $13 to $17. Combined, …

Latest performance inspires standing ovation for vaginas

Share: In the dark room of the Westerbeck Recital Hall, a woman in red stands in front of a crowd, no longer afraid and tired of remaining silent. The silence covers the whole room. She describes one of her worst moments of her life for the first time and the audience stands in solidarity.  “The Vagina Monologues” was hosted for the fourth time at PCC on Feb. 25 and 26. It is a play written by Eve Ensler that celebrates the V-Day movement, which began …

Blotter: Bee hive stings Colorado

Share: Monday, February 17 A facilities staff reported a male transient near the east side of the D building. Officer reported the individual left the area and off-campus towards Colorado Blvd.  Tuesday, February 18 The Pasadena Fire Department reported a female called for medical assistance from the payphone in Lot 8. Paramedics checked and cleared the individual.  Facilities staff reported a female transient walked into the D building when he temporarily unlocked the exterior door to clean inside and is now sitting in the lobby …

Blotter: PCC staff battered by transient

Share: Monday, Feb. 10: A computer lab personnel requested campus security due to a suspicious person wearing a black face mask and behaving erratically. The subject was pacing back and forth in the area but did not sign in to use the facilities. The subject had left the area by the time officers arrived and was seen headed north to Colorado Boulevard and Harkness Avenue. A student reported a female transient who pulled her hair when she was walking on Colorado Boulevard north of PCC.  …

Student club feeds campus garden with fish poop

Share: As the bright afternoon sun filtered through the leaves, a gaggle of PCC students gathered in a loose circle in the garden space between the C and L buildings. Before the meeting even started, food was the topic. Two attendees recognized each other and talked about an organic supermarket where they both used to work. Another commented on how high its prices are, then the discussion turned to gentrification and food availability in low-income areas. Later, a question about PVC piping led to sharing …

Lancers baseball knocks off the Mounties

Share: PCC’s baseball team had a strong start to their first win against Mt. San Antonio College this season, with a score of 4-2 on Tuesday. The team was anticipating a positive outcome for the conference since it was their first game against Mt. SAC since last year’s 2-1 victory of the 2019 season. PCC’s record of 7-8 gave them the perfect opportunity to make their season back to even and build on their momentum. Follow:

What Black History Month means to PCC

Share: Red, black and forest green. These colors represent the Pan-African flag, as well as the colors embodied by Ujima Pathways, Blackademia students and faculty and the history of the Black community. PCC’s Ujima Blackademia program sponsored the month-long celebration of Black History Month (BHM) through a series of events on campus for all students to participate in, with a message to relay across all students, staff and outside of PCC: every month can be Black History Month through the power of comradery, as pointed …