After mass shootings, students ‘insecure’ about campus safety

Share: In a culture obsessed with violence, from video games to movies, the sound of gunshots are dishearteningly familiar to both children and adults. The normalization of gun violence and mass shootings perpetuate this cultural marker that is very specific to the United States. Every time one of these tragedies happen, the last one as recently as this week in a small Northern California town, an echo of thoughts and prayers cloud the conversation, making gun reform virtually impossible to even conceptually be discussed. Follow:

Pro/Con: Should campus police carry guns?

Share: PRO: Fight Fire With Fire Cailynn Knabenshue Asst. Lifestyle Editor Suppose there’s an active shooter on campus. How do you expect first responders, specifically campus police, to fight them off with anything other than a loaded gun? I’m not advocating for the Second Amendment, nor do I want it to become easier to get access to firearms and no, this article isn’t sponsored by the NRA. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. I think that the reason for so many shootings nowadays is because …