Same-sex marriage should be allowed everywhere

Same-sex marriage continues to be the subject of heated debate. California, for example, has recently moved Proposition 8 to the hands of the Supreme Court after judges of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals voted against reconsidering the overturning of the measure, saying that it served no purpose and instead was meant to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California.

Justice was served in Ravi sentencing

Tears of relief, not sadness were shed by Dharun Ravi, the former Rutgers student who was found guilty of spying on his roommate with a webcam, after a judge made the right call by leniently slapping him with a 30-day jail sentence. However, some might think it wasn’t punishment enough when you throw in the fact that his roommate, Tyler Clementi, was gay and ended his own life by jumping off a bridge after discovering Ravi told others of his encounter with another man.