Share: The Southern California Association of Governments recently passed a resolution asking Congress to replace the federal gasoline tax — which is 18.5 cents a gallon and hasn’t been raised in more than 20 years — with a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) tax by 2025 under the Regional Transportation Plan. The six counties under SCAG want to see Southern California become a pilot for the VMT program. Follow:
OP-ED: If you want a cheap ride to school, you’ll have to pay for it
In August 2010, the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority (GLCA) made a landmark decision to open a bid to a public/private investment in the extension of the Gold Line rail to Azusa. This new hybrid business model allowed private contractors to work with a public entity on a major transportation system – one that would cost well over $450 million.
OP-ED: Metro fare hike hurts those most dependent
If you depend on the L.A. County Metropolitan Transportation Authority to commute to school or work, your pockets may see a little less change with the MTA’s recent fare increase proposal.
EDITORIAL: The Forgotten Students
Has the faculty leadership done enough to help bridge the gap between themselves and the administration?
OP-ED: Transgender suicide attempts are shockingly high
We as a society must find a better way to reach out to our transgender citizens. Transgender people already deal with societal discrimination and dismissal from family members based on their gender identities, but apparently they must also deal with suicide. The largest study of transgender people to date was recently released with shocking numbers.
OP-ED: No need to ban animal testing
It is impossible to argue that animal testing is 100 percent flawless. It only takes a few clicks on any internet search engine to find proof that animals are mistreated every day. However, completely banning animal testing is not the way to go. Effective testing is definitely possible without inflicting harm on the subjects.
OP-ED: Animal testing is cruel and unnecessary
Animal testing is not just morally wrong; it’s cruel.
If people offer themselves up as test subjects, it’s a choice and can easily be undone by walking away. But an animal doesn’t have that freedom to walk away if the results are uncomfortable or unbearable for them.
EDITORIAL: Oops they did it again
Did this administration make absolutely sure that the realignment of the college’s academic divisions would withstand legal scrutiny and follow Chancellor’s Office policies? Does comprehensive data exist to support such realignment? Were reasonable voices heard and, most importantly, is it in the best interest of students?
OP-ED: Chick-fil-A should prepare for short lines
Imagine just getting out of prison for a major offense. You plan to move into a new town where most of your neighbors already know about your crimes against humanity.
OP-ED: Chick-fil-a is welcome
Soon after Pasadena was named America’s second “gayest” city by Matthew Breen of, it became known that Chick-fil-A chose to open a new location on Colorado Boulevard. It may not sit well with some, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with this.