Gab needs to go

Share: Payment processors such as GoDaddy, Paypal and Stripe immediately cut ties with Gab as soon as the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting broke in the news. These companies as well as the site’s host are not wrong for no longer supporting a platform that caters to racists and xenophobes. Follow:

President Trump versus the 14th amendment

Share: My dad is first generation American and second generation Guatemalan. Back in the 1970’s, my grandma – who was pregnant at the time – came here to the United States. As a single mom, she wanted to raise her son in a place that will allow him opportunities she knew he could not receive back in her home country. My grandma came here to achieve the “American Dream” for my father, to give him a better life. Follow:

Celebrating the evolution of women’s pro wrestling

Share: It’s an exciting time for World Wrestling Entertainment, and in a historic evening for women of all sports, WWE hosted its first all-women’s pay-per-view event “Evolution,” featuring over fifty female superstars. The women’s pro wrestling revolution has been a long time coming. It is great to finally see proper female roles taking shape in the squared circle, as they had previously been confined to portraying sexual objects and support for men. Follow:

FreeDoomed: Caravan destined for disappointment

Share: A continuously growing group of thousands of Honduran migrants, dubbed the “Caravan”, is making its way towards the United States’ southern border in what one can assume is a search for a better, more free life. Nonetheless, their efforts may be futile as their pursuit for freedom may land them in an uncertain limbo. The plight of the migrants escaping poverty and extreme crime cannot be ignored but neither can the rule of law, which is why it is imperative that both are taken …

Hurry hurricane help

Share: This year is the most active hurricane season on record and we as a nation could be responding better to the severe weather and its effects. As Tropical Storm Oscar forms in the Atlantic Ocean, we need to look at our past efforts to determine what the U.S. can do to help its citizens and what citizens can do to keep themselves from becoming hurricane victims. Follow:

The NFL needs a reality check

Share: In the midst of the 2018 NFL season, the political standpoint of NFL players protesting during the national anthem due to police brutality against African Americans and President Trump’s remarks about players protesting has been a hot topic issue. Players, team owners, celebrities, and activists have all expressed opinions on how the NFL should handle players kneeling during the national anthem, and the NFL has not made the necessary steps for everyone to be satisfied. The NFL needs to act swiftly in order to …