Jussie Smollett now starring as a lying asshole

Share: It took the nation only three weeks to figure out that Jussie Smollett’s story was a complete lie. With a complete disregard for morals, ethics, and the lack of both a good conscience and any self-awareness, Smollett is a sociopathic narcissist who would willingly put two innocent men in jail for the sake of furthering his C-list career, and deserves any prison time he faces. Follow:

In Paris, yellow vests fight the yellow-bellied

Share: When Emmanuel Macron triumphed over his far-right opponent, Marine Le Pen, in the 2017 French presidential election, many were quick to declare it a victory over the upswell of populism that was enveloping various corners of the world. A pro-EU centrist, he proved that the French people had not completely lost their minds, and cooler heads were still capable of prevailing in the face of fear and ugly nativism. The embittered neocons who hadn’t joined the Trump train due to being actual conservatives – …

The case for Speaker Pelosi

Share: The long-promised “blue wave” finally swept over the country, handing control over the House of Representatives to the Democratic Party in the 2018 U.S. midterm elections. In Orange County, once fondly referred to as “Reagan Country”, Democrats flipped all four congressional seats. Democrat Harley Rouda dethroned 15-term Rep. Dana Rohrabacher. Republicans maintained control of the Senate, but Democrats won most of the hotly contested seats. It was the first official referendum on the Trump presidency, and a rout in every sense of the word. …

We should listen to Monica Lewinsky

Share: Twenty years ago, President Bill Clinton admitted to having an affair with a White House intern named Monica Lewinsky. Lewinsky was in her early twenties when she and Clinton first started their affair and although Clinton would deny the relationship, he later would admit to having “Inappropriate intimate physical contact” with Lewinsky.  This rocked the American country. Follow:

GM not adapting to eco-friendly car culture

Share: In the society that we live in, the economy plays a major role in how companies plan for their future. If the economy is strong companies can expand and be able to hire new workers. If the economy is in a recession, companies will have to make cutbacks to save money. But for General Motors, their situation proves that no matter how strong the economy is, no one is safe from losing their job. Follow:

The causes of California’s deadliest wildfire are not surprising

Share: Three wildfires sprung in northern and southern California on Nov. 8, burning up to 240,000 acres of land and taking the lives of around 80 people. The Camp Fire, the most catastrophic of the three, and the Woolsey Fire are still ongoing and are projected to be contained in the upcoming weeks. The Hill Fire in Ventura County is now fully contained. Follow: