Share: 2021 marked a decade of Abel Tesfaye, known more by his stage name The Weeknd, telling the world of his tumultuous lifestyle. Over the span of three mixtapes and four albums, he has successfully branded himself the master of recounting the late night escapades that lead to morning regret. The true king of passing off heartache as jadeness. In 2022, however, Tesfaye returns with an album that breaks free from this self made mold. Dawn FM, a 16-track album that plays like a radio …
Bun Bun Bao: New bun spot provides good bang for your buck
Share: Across the street from campus on the corner of Colorado Blvd. and Bonnie Ave., a new Chinese restaurant Bun Bun Bao has recently opened its doors to the public. This restaurant has plans to bring authentic Asian culture into our community with their dishes and drinks. Students have anticipated trying the new food since their “opening soon” sign first appeared. With limited food options in the area and on campus, there has been a sort of need for diversity amongst the lunch and dinner options …
‘Encanto’ captures the magic of family dynamics
Share: Most classic Disney movies are rooted in the idea of a damsel in distress. A princess unhappy with her current situation seeking a knight in shining armor to save her from misery. Disney seemingly stepped away from that format to provide their audience with a film that can be entertaining, culturally educational, and heartwarming in a time when hope and magic are needed. Like the 2016 film “Moana” which strays from the conventional lead female character but instead portrays a modernist independent-no-prince-princess, “Encanto’s” protagonist …
Netflix’s Squid Game is the show of the decade
Share: The new series “Squid Game” on Netflix isn’t a cinematic masterpiece, but no show is. Given each episode comes in at nearly an hour long, mastering every scene would be nearly impossible. But the show does, on occasion, have amazing cinematic sequences, with amazing camera pans, side-to-side point of view, use of color, composition, and framing. It is easily a decade worth of work. Squid Game might be the best show in the world. In the 4th episode, there is a scene where an …
Review: And that’s the way the cookie ‘Crumbl’s’
Share: From “bringing families and friends together over a box of the best cookies in the world” (as stated on their pink boxes) to expanding over 175 locations in 31 states in only 4 years. Attention all cookieholics, Crumbl is by far the most delicious, melt in your mouth, ooey gooey cookies you’ll ever have. The closest location to PCC is only a 41 minute drive according to Apple Maps, and it’s located in La Habra. The first location ever built is located in Logan, …
New animated feature is the first to be out and proud
Share: The newly released animated family film “The Mitchells vs. The Machines” is full of gags, colors and elements from the mass media. Producer Michael Rianda, also the producer of ‘Gravity Falls’, infuses his geekiness and offbeat sensibility into “The Mitchells vs. The Machines.” Follow:
“Madan Sara”: The women behind Haiti’s most unacknowledged industry
Share: Contrary to how Haiti is often perceived, the new film “Madan Sara” introduces a brighter perspective of Haiti shown through the stories of the women whose businesses feed the people of Haiti and provide education for their families, inspiring a new generation of Haitians. Follow:
Zack Snyder’s ‘Justice League’ fails to save the day
Share: In 2017, in an attempt to catch up to the Marvel powerhouse, DC Studios released “Justice League.” Zack Snyder, the original director of the film, had to leave the project due to the tragic death of his daughter Autumn. Joss Whedon took over as director, and many changes to the film were made as a result. Following the film’s poor reception, fans demanded the release of Snyder’s version of the movie. To the joy of many comic book fans, Warner Bros. Pictures decided to …
‘Raya’ soars with magic during COVID
Share: The newly released Disney animated film, “Raya and the Last Dragon”, is a family movie with complex themes. The film delivers three aspects to the audience: the glimpse of Southeast Asia, promotion of feminism, and addressing the current racism issues. The film consisted of beautiful animation, a charming sense of humor, and exciting actions. “Raya and the Last Dragon” is a huge success for Disney’s original story, it will leave the audience with a smile on their face, warmth in their heart, and hope …
“Judas and The Black Messiah” does not betray viewers
Share: Racism, violence, betrayal, and guilt are all in this thrilling rated R movie of Fred Hampton. “Judas and The Black Panther” realistically portrays how easily people show their true colors by betraying someone. Throughout the movie, the violence and gunfights between the police officers and the Black Panthers are very evident. Even when the Black Panthers or any black citizens were minding their business, they would get racial slurs or get hurt badly by police officers. “Judas and The Black Messiah” first shows O’Neal, …