Share: Hungry? Stop by the vending machine and grab a…salad? Follow:
Mandala colors Pasadena
Share: Amongst the different types of religious artwork, the creation of a colorful sand mandala by Tibetan monks are a must- see. From Nov. 5 to Nov. 9, the USC Pacific Asia Museum in Pasadena put on a special event known as the Sand Mandala. This event was a delegation of six monks who carefully and precisely constructed a mandala design from sand using a handful of tools. Follow:
Associated Students shape up on skills at conference
Share: The Associated Students attended the 33rd Annual Student Leadership Conference last weekend to sharpen their networking, communication and goal-setting skills. Follow:
Folk Tree hosts annual Day of the Dead altars and exhibition
Share: With Halloween right around the corner, when’s a better time than now to pay homage to the dead? Follow:
Lancercard ID cards give students access to art, movies and music
Share: Besides obtaining a higher education, being students at Pasadena City College has its monetary benefits. As enrolled students at PCC, students are all required to get a student ID, the LancerCard, which allows access to an array of resources the campus has to offer. Such access includes resources like the computer lab, Learning Assistance Center, the physical fitness facilities, and the hundreds of books at Shatford Library. But the LancerCard also offers a variety of discounts on entertainment outside the school campus. Music lovers …
Down the alley in pursuit of tavern trivia and a brew
Share: Located in a quaint alley a block off Lake Avenue T. Boyles Tavern will mark its fifth anniversary this October. Follow:
Accreditation process takes over lancer inboxes
Share: Have you wondered why an accreditation e-mail keeps popping up in your Lancer inbox? Pasadena City College is currently going through their annual Accreditation process. Accreditation is the process in which PCC gets certified on its competency, authority and credibility. Follow: