Share: Winter can be cold even in sunny southern California, so it is important to dress warm, but still, leave room for style. While it’s understandable that anything below 70 degrees may require a hoodie and sweatpants, not everyone is on board with the simplicity of it. PCC students like Leilani Lemus take this time of year to layer up while looking “sexy” and staying warm. “An essential piece of clothing for me is a mock turtleneck for sure,” Lemus said. “It keeps you warm, …
Local artists offer insight on disability justice and ableism
Share: And just like that, PCC is humming with students and instructors again as the start of a new year hits campus. While COVID-19 continues to mutate, masks are available for everyone around campus yet only a fraction of students are seen using them as they walk into their morning lecture. “Ableism now relates to the pandemic…masks are an issue for the disabled and chronically ill community. I have disabled friends who got COVID and it’s making their chronic illness worse. That’s ableism,” explained Sasha, …
Free transportation for PCC students makes life easier
Share: For his first time attending PCC, freshman Jagger Freedberg faced some complications before he walked into his first class. On top of a part-time job and not owning a car he could use when needed, his only option for commuting back and forth between home and campus was the Metro. But when public transit is the only form of transportation, bus fares could quickly build up within a few short weeks and become another burden for full-time students. To ease transportation expenses, Freedberg felt …
Parenting and struggling students find help through new centers
Share: Alongside the new semester, PCC opened up the Lancer Care Basic Needs Center and the Family Resource Center to bring aid to those who need it. The Lancer Care Basic Needs Center is where students may go to receive resources to meet their basic needs such as housing, food, etc. Specifically, students are offered emergency aid, social services support, health care aid, childcare & afterschool programs, healthcare, clothing, financial assistance, employment, housing, and a food pantry. All resources in the Lancer Care Center are …
On The Spot: Do Students use an umbrella when it rains?
Share: On The Spot asks PCC students if they use an umbrella and how the rain affects their day at school. Follow: