Jussie Smollett now starring as a lying asshole

Share: It took the nation only three weeks to figure out that Jussie Smollett’s story was a complete lie. With a complete disregard for morals, ethics, and the lack of both a good conscience and any self-awareness, Smollett is a sociopathic narcissist who would willingly put two innocent men in jail for the sake of furthering his C-list career, and deserves any prison time he faces. Follow:

Laugh, cry and play ‘Paddleton’

Share: The tragic (yet surprisingly comedic) Netflix film, “Paddleton,” follows the story of Michael, a man diagnosed with terminal cancer, and his best friend and neighbor, Andy, as they cope with Michael’s decision to end his own life. The film tackles the uncomfortable topic of physician-assisted suicide and the personal issues associated with it. Follow: