Share: Brothers Reaching Out (BRO), a support network led by six counselors and campus staff, announced their plans designed to improve equity gaps faced by PCC’s male students of color, while seeking added collaboration with the faculty to get involved during a presentation to the Academic Senate (AS) on Sept. 23. Follow:
Instagrammable installation is ‘lustrous’ but dull
Share: In the middle of a small field of lush green grass, with the La Brea Tar Pits Museum towering not far behind it, lies what looks like an iridescent melted rainbow. The glistening Second Home Serpentine Pavilion has been drawing large crowds of picture-ready families, couples, and friends since June 28. Follow:
Climate change: Take angry action as a whole
Share: For as long as humankind has been around on this earth, we have done nothing but damage to it. We claim we are the smartest species on this planet but it does not seem that way. Our earth is dying, yet many still do not believe that climate change is real.The conditions of our air, water and land are changing drastically each day and action must be taken before it is too late. We can still turn things around, together. Follow:
Model is right: ‘Mental health is not fashion’
Share: Strike one: Gucci sold a wool balaclava jumper that suspiciously resembled blackface with its pull-over collar. Strike two: the brand capitalized off traditional Sikh turbans with its “Indy Full Head Wrap”. Strike three: its latest clothing collection featured straightjackets and prisonlike sandals. Follow:
Tech team teaches Canvas to talk
Share: A recording add-on designed for spoken name pronunciation in Canvas is expected to begin preliminary testing in October and launch in January, after the PCC Board of Trustees (BOT) approved $7,000 in September to purchase the software subscription from Palo Alto-based firm NameCoach, Inc. Follow:
New PCC printing service descends from the cloud
Share: Wepa, a $10,000 cloud printing solution rolled out for Fall 2019 in a low-profile launch with wide support and components installed across PCC’s three campuses, now has its first month’s operating results, and hopes to expand high-tech efficiency for current and graduating students. Follow:
‘True to myself’: LGBTQ+ pride pops off at mixer
Share: Rainbow colored balloons filled the Center for the Arts North Patio on Thursday afternoon, signifying a special event for the LGBTQ community on campus. An outpour of support was shown from students, faculty and the Queer Alliance who co-hosted the event. Follow:
Blotter through Sept. 22: No sign of suspect discussing gun
Share: From the police blotter through Sept. 22: Follow:
A swinging centennial: Jackie Robinson at 100
Share: A lot can happen in one hundred years. Culture can shift and the beliefs and lifestyles of a society can change drastically. A major catalyst for a new wave of societal beliefs in our world was Jackie Robinson, who was honored at PCC’s Westerbeck Recital Hall this past Sunday, Sept. 29. Robinson was born in 1919, and the musical recital that took place on campus is aptly entitled “A Swinging Centennial: Jackie Robinson at 100.” Follow: