Share: The once empty CC-212 has transformed into Lancer Pantry, crowded with bread loaves, canned food, pre-packaged lunches, and fruits. As the semester went by, Lancer Pantry has added more to their shelves and is serving 1,800 to 2,000 pounds of food per week, thanks to the numerous donors who’ve been supporting PCC’s newest student service all semester. Follow:
Building campus community at Rosemead
Share: The single building sitting on the corner of Rosemead Boulevard and Newby Avenue could easily be mistaken as any commercial building, like an apartment complex with a fence structured around it, but instead, it’s PCC Rosemead. Follow:
Lancers’ Lives: Living the dream at PCC
Share: James Click is an English professor at PCC, who has been teaching here for eight years. Click focuses on rhetoric and philosophy in each of his classes. Ever since he studied at PCC it has been his dream to come back and teach here. Click is a passionate professor who is in love with his job and plans to stay here for the foreseeable future. Follow:
Wonder Woman: Best DC Movie Yet
Share: Wonder Woman is a breath of fresh air in a world of failing D.C. movies but still came up lacking with a boring plot, a few horrible performances and almost plagiarized action scenes. Follow:
Polyamory is between you and your partner
Share: Whatever relationship one choses to be in shouldn’t concern anybody else except the participating parties. Same goes for polyamory. Follow:
One last security check could save lives
Share: A night that should be full of making memories and having the time of your life while jamming out to your favorite artists is not the place when you should be thinking of if you are going to make it out alive or not. Follow:
Trump VS. the world
Share: It came as no surprise, but just because something is expected to happen does not mean that it still can’t be disappointing. Follow:
Goodbye PCC, hello four-year
Share: For a lot of students at community college, their goal is to graduate, obtain an AA or move on to a four year university. They spend their entire time gaining enough credits, maintaining a high GPA, and trying to do it all as soon as possible. Follow:
Maher can’t keep his foot out of his mouth
Share: In the boiling political climate that we have now, both the right and the left and anyone else on the spectrum seem to gravitate towards newscasters who present recent occurrences in a more relaxed and straightforward manner. Bill Maher, however, is no longer and was never one to look up to, especially for the left. Follow: