Share: For a PCC college student, finding the perfect job to fit a school schedule is hard. Finding one that fits an education goal is a unique flavor all its own. Follow:
The time is now
Share: Attaining a college degree, pursuing a music career, and training for the 2016 Olympics are all commendable, full time commitments by themselves. Pasadena Sophomore Sophia Kapri is currently tackling all of these things at once. Follow:
Lancer athletes shine at annual track and field event
Share: PCC runner Christina Shamirian won the steeplechase event and went to number 10 in the state for times during the 71st annual Pasadena Games held at Robinson Stadium and the Caltech campus on Friday. Follow:
Associated Students argue no student input in campus surveys
The Associated Students aired its concerns Wednesday about student workers being barred from participating in the Campus Climate Survey distributed by the administration.
Baseball goes up in smoke against Cerritos, drops to 4-20 on season
Share: Lancers baseball suffered their fourth consecutive loss Tuesday on the road against the Cerritos College Falcons, falling to 1-12 in the South Coast Conference play and 4-20 overall for the 2014 season. Follow:
Swim team splashes away competition
The Pasadena women’s swim team looked nothing short of dominant on Friday during their dual meet with Cerritos and El Camino, coming within a literal blink of an eye away—.11 seconds—from sweeping all 14 events as they topped Cerritos 136-133 and beat El Camino 170-90.
Academic Senate elections virtually uncontested
Share: The Academic Senate completed the elections for its new Executive Committee members last week with only one of the four positions contested. Follow:
Soaring to great heights
Share: The track and field team is having one of the better seasons of any PCC sports team this semester, but lately it’s been the athletes who throw barbaric objects through the air for distance who are turning heads. Follow:
Speech and debate team showcases skills on stage
Share: Students articulated their gift of gab last week in the first night of the PCC Forensics Speech and Debate team’s public performances, which will continue tonight in the Westerbeck Recital Hall. Follow:
Councilman to call Chick-fil-A back up
Pasadena City Councilman Terry Tornek will again ask the city council to reconsider the zoning board’s approval of a Chick-fil-A restaurant across the street from PCC.