Share: After a courageous two-year battle with Stage 2 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, former Lancer women’s basketball point guard Angeline Jefferson died Sunday. She was only 21-years-old. Follow:
Student life dean receives well deserved service award
If Hebba Griffiths had one wish, it would be to have a few extra hours in the day.
Lancer badminton falls short to ELAC
Share: The Lancers badminton team was seeking revenge against East Los Angeles College (ELAC) Friday at Hutto-Patterson Gymnasium but ultimately fell short, losing 15-6. Follow:
Center for the Arts goes for Gold
When the Center for the Arts officially opened in January, President Rocha stated that it would “transform the landscape of the PCC campus and ultimately transform the lives of our students.”
Avatar author, Gene Luen Yang, packs Harbeson Hall
Graphic novelist Gene Luen Yang attracted an enormous crowd of PCC students at Harbeson Hall last week for the presentation of his new book “Boxers and Saints.”
Festival season is back
As people start to gear up for festivals such as Coachella, they are constantly asked the question, “Is it really worth the money?” Put simply, it is absolutely worth the money.
Share: “We are not a Birthday Party cover band,” guitarist Jose Box said, shooting down a common misconception about his band BIRTHDAYGIRL. Follow:
Faculty Association rejects latest proposal
The PCC Faculty Association rejected the latest contract proposal from the district Friday when the two sides sat down their second negotiation meeting this month.
EDITORIAL: The Forgotten Students
Has the faculty leadership done enough to help bridge the gap between themselves and the administration?
President Rocha accused of being “unprofessional” at Associated Students meeting
A member of the Academic Senate accused President Mark Rocha of “unprofessional, dismissive, degrading and sexist” behavior during Wednesday’s Associated Students meeting after he allegedly called her “crazy” in an email.