Bin Laden death makes few on campus feel safer

Although one of the most threatening terrorists of this generation has finally been killed, most on campus don’t feel any safer – a sentiment felt throughout the country.With Osama bin Laden’s death, President Barack Obama’s approval rating is on the rise but only 16 percent of Americans feel safer, according to a poll conducted by the New York Times and CBS News released on May 4.

Rebuilding a childhood memory

When PCC student James Desimone was through making G.I. Joe’s and model planes as a toy manufacturer, he took on a project of a much larger scale: the Batmobile.”The Batmobile is the most recognizable car,” Desimone, 60, said. “My father bought a television in 66′ and Batman was the first show I saw in color.

EDITORIAL: Students should vote in AS elections

Voting in the Associated Students election has become more important than ever, especially when the debate over PCC’s fiscal crisis has risen to a point of heated student protests. The voice of the student body will be expressed by those elected. That is why it is absolutely vital that students be reminded of the issues at hand and that they should make their selections based on what qualities of particular candidates would best serve them.

Smoking areas should be well-maintained

Justin ClayStaff WriterFor the past two years, PCC has had a campus-wide smoking policy in place. People who choose to smoke have to select one of four designated smoking areas around campus.People who smoke have rights just as non-smokers do, and if smokers are made to be kept in small segregated areas, the areas should at least be pleasant to be in.