The Academic Senate voted unanimously on Monday to reject a policy that restricted free speech on certain areas of campus.The free speech policy, formally known as Time, Place and Manner, has been a controversial point of contention the past few weeks when it was passed through three committees before members spoke out against its constricting language limiting protests on campus.
Track star to continue pace at UC Riverside
At the end of the semester, Tracee van der Wyk, 19, kinesiology, will be leaving PCC as the women’s fastest cross-country runner in the school’s history.Described as a quiet leader by her coaches and teammates, van der Wyk attributes her achievements to the more intensive training she received while at PCC.
New library book drop-off box installed
The Shatford Library unveiled its first drive-up drop box for returning books and audiovisuals on Monday. The box is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”The existing drop boxes were old and falling apart,” said Celina Lee, circulation services librarian.
Just because we’ve killed one terrorist leader doesn’t mean we have stopped them all
The recent death of al-Qaida leader and enemy icon Osama Bin Laden has raised many questions. The most pertinent question being: Are the American people safer with him gone? The reality of the situation is that al-Qaida is not a centralized organization but a loosely connected web of small sub sects.
Track and Field team to compete at State Championships
Lancer track and field athletes will be competing in the State Championships this weekend as they qualified Friday at the Southern California finals held at Mt. San Antonio College.”I’m very proud of my student athletes. We’ve had an outstanding season,” said Track and Field team Head Coach Larry Wade.
Open market gives PCC?artists a lesson in selling work
A network of popular alleyways within the heart of Old Town Pasadena set the scene for the semi-annual One Colorado Art and Design Open Market on May 1. Students and alumni of both PCC and Art Center College of Design congregated in hopes of selling their artwork to the community.
Fiesta offers financial aid information
The Financial Aid Fiesta drew a crowd in the center Quad on May 5. Though students may have initially been drawn by the free food and prizes, financial aid information was what students were primarily intended to receive.Lines formed to spin a wheel that awarded prizes like highlighters, notebooks or the grand prize – a USB drive.