Gun control: Government inaction forces retailers reaction

Share: A tipping point in the everlasting debate for gun control may have arrived on the heels of the El Paso shootings. Walmart, among other large retailers, has banned open carry in their stores, as well as discontinued sales of ammunition and handguns. In response, the NRA and other American citizens against gun control have boycotted stores across the nation. As the fight for or against gun control rages on, where is our government? Follow:

Forgotten voices of PCC’s marginalized communities

Share: A single mother, a military veteran, and a first-year student can be found seated inside the same classroom, engaging in the typical school conundrums: taking a copious amount of notes while listening to the professor’s rudimentary lectures. Some compose themselves in a more relaxed setting, closing their eyes and daydreaming as time slowly shifts by. Others discreetly use their phones, listening to the rhythmic pop tunes while head-bopping to the beat. In each classroom setting, new students enter and leave, following the roundabouts and …

Mass shooters must be identified

Share: To name or not to name—this is the dilemma that has sent people into a frenzy in the days since the cold-blooded mass shooting at Umpqua Community College on Oct. 1. Since the crime’s lead investigator John Hanlin publicly announced his refusal to speak of the gunman’s name and urged the media to do the same, the thin fabric that is the media-audience relationship has not been the same. “Let me be very clear: I will not name the shooter,” Hanlin announced at a …