Share: When rap “artist” Kanye West returned to Twitter a few weeks ago, I knew we’d be subjected to more of the “genius” that Kanye thinks he is. I admit, I didn’t think he’d be going this hard in the paint for Donald Trump, but I’m not exactly surprised. Follow:
Twitter’s new 280 character is stupid and too long and no one wants to read this much and have I proven my point yet?
Share: During the past couple weeks the public interest in Twitter’s decision to switch it’s character limit to 280 characters for certain countries has diminished, which is the opposite of what the profoundly negative social impacts of this decision will do in the current social and journalistic climate. Follow:
The way society responds to sexual assault has transformed
Share: In the wake of the recent Harvey Weinstein accusations, there has been an extreme flood of sexual assault allegations against Hollywood industry people including “House of Cards” star Kevin Spacey. Follow:
Fyre Festival bursts into flames
Share: #Fyrefest becomes #failfest in less than 24 hours. Follow:
Question the projection with Side Street Projects and Freewaves
Share: Art-centered non-profit organizations Side Street Projects and Freewaves came together for ArtNight Pasadena to create an interactive event meant to challenge people to interpret the meaning behind public art and current events. Follow:
PCC Courier Twitter account hacked
Share: The PCC Courier Twitter account was hacked on early Monday morning. Lewd messages and images were posted without permission and information and images were changed on the account as well. The Twitter account feeds directly to the paper’s website, where the tweets were up for approximately an hour. The tweets were discovered around 9:45 am and were immediately deleted. Follow:
District needs more time to respond to Black
The Pasadena Area City College District released a statement today stating that it needed more time before giving a full response about Oscar winner and PCC alumnus Dustin Lance Black’s allegation that he was “disinvited” to be the Spring Commencement speaker because of sexually explicit photos of him that surfaced years ago on the Internet.
What is the role of social media after an earthquake?
Whether it’s for the attention or to cope with the situation, the use of social media during an event like an earthquake something used by students and professionals to learn about an earthquake.
OP-ED: NFL ready as ever for openly gay player
Share: Michael Sam just finished his career as Missouri’s successful defensive end, with All-American honors and as the SEC Defensive Player of the Year. Sam is also a National Football League draft prospect. But that’s not it. Follow: