Why PCC shouldn’t extend remote classes

Share: With the already added weight of COVID-19 against people getting their daily routine done, students are one of the groups in society mostly affected by the pandemic by having classes online only. Unfortunately, it would most likely be a terrible decision.  Online classes do not work for every major offered at PCC, with a notable example being  STEM courses, along with art majors, and any other course offered that deals with hands-on learning. Continuing with the courses till the fall semester would also impact …

COVID-19 campus closure cancels clubs

Share: Since PCC’s campus closure, its usually crowded classrooms and packed hallways are now reminiscent of a ghost town. The rooms where club officials used to meet in droves to discuss the exciting events they had planned for the semester are empty. Students who were once able to participate in extracurricular clubs on campus are now left to entertain themselves in their homes, far from the hustle and bustle that once existed.  Follow:

Students and profs: Stop ghosting remote instruction

Share: PCC has transitioned to remote instruction and not everyone was ready for it. From professors not being able to navigate Canvas, to students not having access to a computer, or having access to the internet at home. Those who do have access to computers and the internet are taking it for granted. Online instruction could work if professors and students didn’t treat it as a vacation. Remote instruction entails responsibility on both professors and students, and for many, class is beginning to feel optional. …

‘Adrenaline rush’ fuels Courier’s dynamic duo

Share: James Membreno and Michael Watkins, photo editors for the Courier, began their two hour drive on a Wednesday afternoon. Membreno was feeling particularly nervous, which only worsened when he saw Watkins pull out a bulletproof vest upon reaching their destination. It probably did not help that Membreno’s expired passport later led to his temporary detainment by customs agents.  For them, this was just another spur-of-the-moment adventure that they had decided to embark on. Their plan was to photograph the migrant caravan that had arrived …

PCC postpones commencement ceremony

Share: PCC will be postponing the 2020 commencement ceremony until spring 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as announced through an email on March 30. The decision was made by PCC’s executive team with the support of the Academic Senate President, Matthew Henes.  It follows another recent decision to continue remote instruction for the rest of the spring semester, according to PCC Superintendent/President Erika Endrijonas. The school is still in discussion as to whether the 2020 commencement ceremony will be held together or separate from …

Student’s love for school stifled by campus closure

Share: She snoozes her alarm yet again, and now she’s definitely late for school. There is no time left for student Zoe Ives to plan an outfit. She rushes out her door as quickly as she possibly can. Ives hops into her 1988 Toyota Camry named Butterfly. The morning breeze hits her face as the sound of the music blasting through the speakers wakes her up. Ives moves through the campus as fast as she can. She’s almost out of breath by the time she …