Former student accuses campus food exec, a sex offender, of inappropriate conduct

Share:   Update 6/6/2018: In response to the comment from the California DOJ and Pasadena Police Department regarding requirements for Yu working on campus, Executive Director of Strategic Communications and Marketing Alex Boekelheide told the Courier through email that the college is not aware of any such requirement regarding employees of independent companies that hold contracts with the college. Boekelheide also said that while the Alhambra Police Department stated that Yu registered the campus as his place of employment in their system, the college has no …

‘Stop The Genocide’: Locals protest Pasadena’s police brutality

Share: Last Saturday morning, local activist groups held a protest against police brutality with Pasadenans and Altadenans at a Mobil gas station in Altadena. The protest was sparked by the murder of Stephon Clark who was gunned down by police officers while in his own backyard. The groups that participated were the Pasadenans and Altadenans Against Police Violence, Refuse Fascism and other local activists. The protest was held at the same gas station that Christopher Ballew was beaten by Pasadena Police on Nov. 9, 2017. …

Report faults Pasadena police in shooting of PCC student

Share: A judge ordered the re­lease of a report last month by the Office of Independent Review Group that examined the 2012 fatal shoot­ing of former PCC student Kendrec McDade by Pas­adena po­lice of­ficers and faul­ted the de­part­ment for fail­ing to con­duct an in­tern­al af­fairs in­vest­ig­a­tion. McDade, who was unarmed at the time of his death, was shot seven times by officers Jeffrey Newlin and Matthew Griffin while fleeing the scene of an alleged theft. A 911 caller falsely reported that the 19 year old …