Gun control: Government inaction forces retailers reaction

Share: A tipping point in the everlasting debate for gun control may have arrived on the heels of the El Paso shootings. Walmart, among other large retailers, has banned open carry in their stores, as well as discontinued sales of ammunition and handguns. In response, the NRA and other American citizens against gun control have boycotted stores across the nation. As the fight for or against gun control rages on, where is our government? Follow:

#Enough: National walkout brings forward school activism

Share: Students participated in a nation-wide walkout at Pasadena City College (PCC) on Wednesday morning demanding that Congress take action against gun violence with underlying themes of bringing the PCC community more connected. This PCC event was prompted as part of a larger national event event to pressure legislators to find a solution to school shootings. It was organized by the same group that organized the Women’s March in January. The event was in response to the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School …

Editorial: It’s time we stop letting children be casualties of the gun debate

Share: American gun culture is unique in its glorification of toxic masculinity. That in addition to the stigmatization of mental health and the almost ubiquitous access to military grade weapons is an amalgam that gives rise to constant instances of gun violence all over the country. As these egregious acts of violence increasingly move into classrooms, legislative inaction is branded with debates about arming teachers. Follow: