Share: PCC is to significantly benefit from the passage of two statewide propositions from the Nov. 8 General Election ballot, propositions 51 and 55, by being able to rebuild the U Building and to retain teachers. Follow:
Passing prop. 51 pays for PCC property upgrades
Share: If Proposition 51 on the upcoming Nov. 8 General Election ballot fails, the U Building — the condemned, eerily silent 80,000-square-foot science building adjacent to the Bonnie parking areas and the Science Village — may be doomed. Voters can do something about this. Follow:
EDITORIAL: Oops they did it again
Did this administration make absolutely sure that the realignment of the college’s academic divisions would withstand legal scrutiny and follow Chancellor’s Office policies? Does comprehensive data exist to support such realignment? Were reasonable voices heard and, most importantly, is it in the best interest of students?