Since the beginning of the spring semester, a hostile environment has become evident on campus.
New calendar increases student access
Share: Many object to the new calendar adopted by the Board of Trustees that eliminated winter session. With the massive amounts of budget cuts across the state and the questionable future of Proposition 30, changes need to be made now to ensure a future for PCC. Follow:
New teaching division structure approved
A radically new structure for the teaching divisions of the college was approved by the Board of Trustees on Aug. 29.
The number of teaching divisions is reduced from 13 to six.
Some baffled by restructuring
Members of the campus community are upset, confused, and ashamed by the Aug. 29 vote by the Board of Trustees to radically restructure teaching divisions at the college.
Divisiveness emerging amongst faculty
The emergence of the Coalition of Progressive Faculty caused quite a commotion at the Aug. 29 Board of Trustees meeting.
Winter classes cancelled, fate of summer session unknown
Winter classes were eliminated on Aug. 29 and in the new calendar the fate of summer 2013 session has not been decided.
EDITORIAL: Shared governance a casualty of rushed decision on winter
The Board of Trustees’ rushed vote to eliminate winter session despite the urgent protestations of multiple groups makes us wonder whether shared governance is still part of the college’s decision making process.
Faculty dismayed by winter cancellation
Disbelief swept the Jack Scott room of the Communication Education Center as the decision to eliminate winter intersession was made on Aug. 29.
Protesters bring the ruckus to Board meeting
Share: The stage was set once again at the Aug. 29 Board of Trustees meeting for another clash between protesters and the board; protesters, faculty, students, journalists, and what looked like spectators made up the audience in the packed room. Follow:
Drastic budget cuts considered by Board
Job cuts, elimination of winter intersession and mandatory furloughs were discussed by the Board of Trustees on Wednesday as options for reducing expenditures by $10.5 million in the 2012-13 fiscal year. The options for drastic budget cuts were presented in a report from an ad-hoc subcommittee of the Board.