Share: Soaring to the skies of a bloody start from its previous season, the animated superhero show “Invincible” adapts the comic book series of the same name, picking up on its devastating note with even more gory and thrilling moments of a passionately told story. With new characters introduced and old characters refurbished to become fan favorites, this new installation of the series showcases a new direction that can feel too bloated while still highlighting the captivating draws of the series, like the conflict of …
Award winning voice actor Kevin Conroy leaves behind lasting legacy for Caped Crusader
Share: Following an astonishing career as the Caped Crusader for over 30 years, covering everything from animated shows to video games, famous Batman actor, Kevin Conroy, passed away on November 10th, 2022. While his career as the Dark Knight is studded with several different outings, his humble beginnings came in the form of 1992’s “Batman: The Animated Series,”. Conroy, a Juilliard graduate, had a background in stage acting, and small voice parts in commercials here and there. He was originally skeptical of taking part in …
‘The Midnight Gospel:’ A bizzare and heartfelt journey
Share: Zombies have taken over one of the infinite versions of Earth as former earthling, Clancy, and his interviewee — the president nonchalantly enter a conversation about marijuana, opiates, valium and acid. As cartoon chaos ensues around them, they speak calmly until they themselves are turned into zombies and realize that being a zombie feels great. In the next episode, Clancy is in a completely different setting and onto his next “spacecast” conversation. From the creator of “Adventure Time,” Pendelton Ward, along with podcaster and …