Registering for classes can be very stressful, especially when one is less than 18 units away from finishing your transfer requirements. Scrambling to get the classes you need to transfer? Problem solved!
EDITORIAL: Fee enriches life on campus
Many students wonder what the Student Activity Fee is for, and why they have to pay is every time they register. The fee is a good way for activities to be funded.
DADT repeal could have flaws
The repeal of the Don’t Ask, Don’t tell policy may have repercussions.
New textbook rental program good option for savings
The implementation of an online textbook rental program is under way.
Fee Funds Important Activities
The SAF is a very valuable and essential fee that the school needs, especially now with the massive amounts of budget cuts.
EDITORIAL: New cameras will improve safety
Having cameras in open campus areas, parking structures, and building exteriors will help give everyone on campus peace of mind.
DREAM Act unfair for documented students
Editors Note: The Courier has not taken a position supporting or opposing the DREAM Act. The article referenced in this letter is a news story.
I find it hard to believe that in these economical times the school newspaper is supporting the Dream Act without as far as I know stating the other side.
LGBT figures need to be part of our history
LGBT history is important and should be taught in school. California Gov. Jerry Brown has signed Senate Bill 48, which will require public schools to prohibit discrimination toward and include contributions from Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered figures in history in the curriculum.
Making dreams come true
At last, a historic day was marked for illegal immigrant students, as the first half, AB 130, of the California dream Act of 2010 was signed by Gov. Jerry Brown on July 25.